Because Life can only be lived a moment at a time.

Just the Way You Are, God

Just the Way You Are, God

“What do you say?”

“Thank you.”

I’ve been on both sides of this brief exchange, and if you’re a mom or dad (or someone who has frequent interactions with children), you have as well. (Unless you were raised by wolves. Given the complete absence of social skills in some strangers I’ve encountered, I believe this is a growing subset of the population. But that’s another column altogether.)

When we’re young we express appreciation for a compliment or a new toy. If we’re raised in a community of faith, we say “Thank You” to God for a sunny day or a new friend or for helping our dog find his way home.

Then Thanksgiving rolls in, and all of us, young and old alike, are reminded that we need to be thankful for our blessings, to have an attitude of gratitude.

Thank You, God, for all the good stuff You’ve given to us and done for us.

Thank You for what You do.

But this year I’ve been trying to expand my praise. To thank God not only for what He does.

But for Who He is.

Search “attributes of God” and you’ll come up with quite a list. Today through Thanksgiving I’ll choose one photo I’ve taken in 2022 and use it to illustrate one of God’s traits. Neither the illustration nor the words will be spot on—we are talking about the Almighty here, after all—but I hope these brief posts will prompt you to meditate on the glory of our Creator.

The ruins of Santo Domingo Convent, Antigua, Guatemala. It was destroyed by an earthquake in 1773.

We are temporary.

God is not.

Everything we build will be consumed by fire or water or wind or earthquake. Likewise, our bodies start to wear out from the moment we’re born, a process that starts slowly then accelerates as the years pass.

And our minds and hearts? They may appear steadfast and resolute, but too often they whip about like kites in a gale. Change is our one constant.

But God never changes.

“For I the Lord do not change; therefore, you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.” Malachi 3:6 (ESV)

Lord, you have been our dwelling place
in all generations.
Before the mountains were brought forth,
or ever you had formed the earth and the world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
Psalm 90:1-2 (ESV)

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 (ESV)

God didn’t have a beginning. He won’t have an end. And He remains true to Himself.

For most of my life, I’ve tried to pin God down, to summarize Him in the same way I might a novel for a book report.

But now I surrender to the mystery. And I rejoice that there is One Who will not sway or falter or change His mind. One Who has been, and will always be, steadfast and true.

I can count on Him.

Father, I praise You for Your unchanging nature. You do not turn, You do not fade, You do not waver. You are my fixed point, and as long as I keep my eyes on You I can navigate this mortal journey. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

God, You Are Faithful

God, You Are Faithful

October Glow

October Glow