How Wide Is a Rainbow?
And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” Mark 10:13-15 (ESV)
I have spent much of my adult life around children. I’ve told Bible stories to preschoolers on Sunday mornings, created craft stick sculptures in Vacation Bible School, and worked as an elementary school substitute teacher. Of course, my most important encounters of the child kind have occurred with our sons and grandchildren.
So, I think I know a few things about kids.
They will choose the most inconvenient time possible to announce an urgent need for a bathroom.
They can become furious with a friend in the time it takes to say, “Mine!” And get over it just as quickly.
And their hearts are wide open to truth.
Children thirst for knowledge, making who, what, when, where, and why their favorite words. Answering those questions to the best of my ability has taught me that simplicity is best.
Especially when talking about Jesus. Kids don’t need to know if the Lord made pre-incarnate appearances in the Old Testament or details about the angels mentioned in Revelation.
They need to know this: We all mess up and do bad things. God never does bad things; He is perfect, what we call holy. That means we can’t be with him in our messy state.
But God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to take the punishment for what we’ve done wrong. All we have to do is believe that Jesus died for us and came back to life and ask Him to come live in our hearts.
These thoughts came to me when we saw a spectacular double rainbow outside our front door a couple of weeks ago. A poem began in my head and has fermented there ever since.
I wrote it in a child’s voice, the perspective of someone with an uncluttered heart.
Jesus, please restore my child-like wonder.
How Wide Is a Rainbow?
How wide is a rainbow?
How tall is the sky?
How deep does the sea go,
And will it ever run dry?
Do bees know honey is sweet?
Does a nightingale love its voice?
Do dogs like everyone they meet
Or do they make a choice?
Who knows the words to a whale’s song?
Who taught a baby to frown?
Who tells me I’ve done wrong
When nobody else is around?
Are you in everything, Jesus?
I see You everywhere.
Do You have my answers?
Do You hear my prayer?
Why do you love me, Jesus?
And hold me when I’m sad?
Why do you keep me in Your Heart,
Even when I’m bad?
I love you, Jesus.
Now I know.
And You love me.
And won’t let go.