Because Life can only be lived a moment at a time.

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve

My tree is still glowing,
Though Christmas is done.
So on this gray December day,
The year’s last,
I draw close to the light
And drift into the past.
But not a long flight,
Only one journey
Around the sun.

How many chances
Floated through my fingers?
How many dances
Did I miss,
Afraid to join the celebration?
Was I pinned to the wall
By a lie that lingers
In my heart? I’m helpless
Against the call
Of perfection.

But then I turn away
From my brokenness,
I stare at Your Light,
At Your Wholeness.
How many times this year
Did You reveal Your glory
In faces and places
And the music of Your world?
Jesus, You don’t conceal
The beauty of Your heart.
Blessed I have been.
Blessed I am.
Blessed I will be.
Not because I am perfect,
But because You love me.



Empty Stockings

Empty Stockings